Monday 15 November 2010

Mural update.

Progress is being made on the mural front, slow yet steady! After deciding that my main images weren't working with the rest of the design, I opted for a change in canvas shape. It may just look like I have extended the width of it, but there were a number of reasons behind this choice. The main one being practical as it would open up more space for the primary images, but also, the fact that from the start I have wanted to focus on the style of the the Berlin wall and I think these new dimensions resemble that a lot more accurately. Here is where I'm at...

I think the shape as a whole is much more positive than before, but I still hove some issues to address. Having taken away the white outlines of the images I have managed to integrate them into the design more, but I need to decide on what role I want them to play in the design and how much I want them to stand out. Something else is the empty spaces created with this new shape, I don't want to stretch images just to fill spaces because like my influence Devante Chang, I want there to be something new every time you look at it, so if anything I want it to be on the 'busier' side of things. I'm still developing though so can work on that, as well as where to put the primary images, I think maybe the centre of the design isn't the right place for them.

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