Saturday 13 November 2010

Mural images...

Having decided that I wanted some of Berlin's most prominent landmarks and popular figures to be the most noticeable in my mural, I started looking at ways I could achieve this. I think because my background is quite dull and washy, in a good way, these will need to be more bold and positioned cleverly.

Firstly I will just show how I edit each image that I want to stand out more...

Step 1: Select a clear image and crop out the main object.

Step 2: Used a layering technique, where I duplicated the image a number of times and edited the filters to such things and overlay, multiply and colour burn. Once I then found the best opacity levels for each layer, I came out with an image that was stronger in shadows and highlights, and also had a richer colour.

Step3: I created a gradient from the German flags colours, and applied this to the image using overlay.

The same steps were repeated for each image so that there was some continuity, however depending on the original image, the deep warming colours of the gradient would alter each image slightly giving each one individuality as well. Overall, I believe that this technique will help the images work well with my background, but not blend in too much and become lost.

I will work on how to incorporate these images into my mural design.

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